Stand-Alone Posts


First Impressions on the First Negotiations for the First-Ever EU Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement

When the EU and Angola announced the first round of the first-ever ‘Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement’, development experts must have asked themselves, like I did, which aspect of this Agreement will induce many foreign firms to plough their capital into the resource-rich Southwestern African nation.

Webinar: Teaching and Researching International Economic Law in Africa, Strategies for Overcoming Publishing Challenges

July 2, 2021

International economic law is an emerging area of teaching, research, and practice in Africa. The area, which is a sub-field of international law, is concerned with the regulation of economic relations between states as well as the conduct of private parties involved in cross-border economic and business transactions.

University of South Africa presents Professor Babatunde Fagbayinbo's Inaugural Lecture themed: "The Two Eras of Reform Efforts in the African Union (AU): A Politico-Legal Critique"

July 2, 2021

Professor Puleng LenkaBula, Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of South Africa, takes pleasure in inviting you to the virtual Inaugural lecture of: 

Professor Babatunde Fagbayibo, College of Law: Department of Public Constitution and International Law

Topic: The Two Eras of Reform Efforts in the African Union (AU): A Politico-Legal Critique

Constitutional Clash and ISDS: Has Ecuador Become Yet Again the Arena of the Transnational Struggle over International Investment Arbitration?

Ecuador’s relationship with the Investment Treaty Regime is an unsettled issue deeply contested by dueling actors and narratives battling to annihilate each other. Ecuador is one of the top investment disputes’ respondent. ISDS awards have been particularly detrimental to its public coffers, and the country has attempted a tailored made constitutional approach to limit the reach of ISDS. Yet, none of this has been enough to reach a minimum consensus and understanding regarding the breadth of foreign investment protection. Remarkably, this endless struggle has paved the way for an increasing confluence of players that put in plain display the multiple transnational interests that shape foreign investment protection.

Call for Papers: Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South's Debt

June 23, 2021

Call for Papers

Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt

edited by Ndongo Samba Sylla

To be published by Emerald Publishing, in the Research in Political Economy Series, edited by Paul Zarembka.

Twenty Fourth Sovereign Debt News Update: Multilateral, Bilateral and Private Financing in Context

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network brings to you an update of African sovereign debt news and updates on events and happenings on and about Africa that reveal how sovereign debt issues are engaged by the various stakeholders.