Stand-Alone Posts


Call for Papers: African Economic Conference 2021 themed "Financing Africa's Post Covid-19 Development"

June 7, 2021

Call for Papers: 2021 African Economic Conference

About 2021 AEC

The 2021 edition of the African Economic Conference is jointly organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The theme of this year's conference is "Financing Africa's Post COVID-19 Development"

Call for Application: University of the Witwatersrand School of Law has Six Positions for Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer

June 5, 2021

Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Organization Name: School of Law

Department Description

Banking Law, Corporate Law, Competition Law, Customary Law, Cyber Law,  Access to Information and Privacy Law, Information Technology Law, Civil Procedure.

Twentieth Sovereign Debt News Update: Ghana’s Sovereign Debt Policy Among Others

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network brings to you an update of African sovereign debt news and updates on events and happenings on and about Africa that reveal how sovereign debt issues are engaged by the various stakeholders.

Nineteenth Sovereign Debt News Update: France’s Campaign for Debt Relief in Africa

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network brings to you an update of African sovereign debt news and updates on events and happenings on and about Africa that reveal how sovereign debt issues are engaged by the various stakeholders.

Eighteenth Sovereign Debt News Update: African Internal and External Sovereign Debt Policies

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network brings to you an update of African sovereign debt news and updates on events and happenings on and about Africa that reveal how sovereign debt issues are engaged by the various stakeholders.

Seventeenth Sovereign Debt Justice News: The International Monetary Fund and African Sovereigns

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network brings to you an update of African sovereign debt news and updates on events and happenings on and about Africa that reveal how sovereign debt issues are engaged by the various stakeholders.

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Call for Participation for Training and Research on Digital Trade Regulatory Integration in Africa

Towards the end of 2020, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), through its African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC), launched a training and research initiative on “Digital trade regulatory integration in Africa”, focusing on 11 pilot countries. Based on their background and expertise in the area, researchers from Cameroon, Chad, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia were selected to build two databases, for each of countries of focus, on various measures related to digital services trade regulations and digital trade integration, respectively.