Stand-Alone Posts


Is Climate Action Worsening Nigeria’s Debt?

Although we tried to determine if and how internationally-financed climate action may be worsening Nigeria’s debt crisis, we weren’t able to find data that would lead us to a definitive analysis. It is logical that any borrowing, especially on non-concessional terms, that will not pay for itself through productivity, will contribute to Nigeria’s debt, and in that way, further undermine Nigeria’s ability to take much-needed climate action (or any humanitarian or development objectives).

Call for Application: Master's, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research in International Law, University of Pretoria

May 18, 2021

The South African Research Chair in International Constitutional Law in the Faculty of Law (UP Law) at the University of Pretoria (UP), Prof Dire Tladi, invites applications for full-time Research Master's / Doctoral / Postdoctoral candidates commencing in 2022.

The relevant areas of research to which this call relates are:

(a) The law of International Organizations, including the United Nations and the African Union

Mozambique and the Islamic Finance, the Alternative in the Post-Covid 19 Situation.

With the looming post-Covid 19 crisis and the potential loss of liquidity in the banking market, the Islamic financial system (internationally known as "Islamic Finance") may provide an alternative to the African banking model for customers and could provide additional ways for domestic banks to finance themselves.

The BBI Consolidated High Court of Kenya Judgment of the Constitutional and Human Rights Petition No. E282 of 2020 (Delivered May 13, 2021): Snap Overview

My early analysis of this case suggests it is as significant if not more significant than the Supreme Court of Kenya’s 2017 nullification of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s presidential election. In addition to the significance of the orders, analysis of this five-judge bench are compelling and make it a landmark judgement not only in Kenya, but beyond.

Reflections on the 9th Afronomicslaw Academic Forum Guest Lecture Delivered by Harrison Mbori and John Nyanje

The lecture was fascinating because it provided various ways of moving forward. These include the questioning of international law as amateurs, the need to produce ‘African’ international law, and the duty we have in promoting and protecting our epistemic locations.