Nthope Mapefane is a lecturer in the Department Mercantile Law and holds the degrees BCom Law (Pret), LLB (Pret), LLM (Air and Space Law) (Pret). She also studied BSc Actuarial Science (UCT). She is a doctoral candidate (LLD), and her thesis focuses on 'The accountability and immunity of African International Organizations'.
Nthope is a qualified South African corporate lawyer, specialising in Competition Law, Financial Regulatory Compliance, Mining and Labour law. She completed her articles at Werksmans Attorneys in 2010 and became a junior associate. In 2012, she joined Bidvest Bank’s Legal compliance and Credit analysis team. Thereafter, she was appointed as a Legal and Policy Researcher at the International Development Law Unit, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, in 2015-2018. In 2018, she was appointed as research consultant for the World Bank, Washington D.C, to analyse the Internal Accountability Mechanisms of International Financial Institutions. She joined the Department of Mercantile at University of Pretoria as a Lecturer in 2019.