Call for Papers

Call For Papers: The 10th Biennial Conference of the AsianSIL: “Strengthening the Role of International Law in Asia”

The 10th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) is scheduled to take place in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, in 9-10 October 2025. Hosted by the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam, this event aims to provide a platform for intellectual exchange among scholars, practitioners, students, and individuals interested in international law.

Call for Abstracts: Transnational Sports Law from the Periphery: A Global South Perspective (Virtual Conference)

The GNLU Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law is please to host the 1st International Conference on Sports Law in the Global South in collaboration with the renowned T.M.C. Asser Instituut International Sports Law Centre, Netherlands.

Call for Papers: Workshop for Early Career Scholars to Prepare a Manuscript Submission to the Journal of World Investment and Trade (JWIT)

Embarking on an academic career is both exciting and challenging, particularly for legal researchers in the early stages; however, navigating the complexities of academic publishing can be daunting. This workshop is tailored to support early career scholars by providing a comprehensive overview of the publication process in JWIT. Participants will gain valuable insights into crafting a scientifically rigorous article with guidance on every phase from the initial draft to the final peer review.

Call for Papers: ILA Committee on ADR in International Law - Shaping Appropriate ADR in International Law (7 April 2025, Florence, Italy)

The International Law Association (ILA) Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution in International Law is delighted to announce a conference on Shaping Appropriate ADR in International Law on 7 April 2025, in collaboration with the ILA Italian Branch and with the Department of Law of the University of Florence. The conference will focus on a series of presentations based on papers collected through this Call.

Call for Papers by the Academic Forum on ISDS: ISDS Reform: Past, Present, and Future

The Academic Forum on ISDS is delighted to announce their next Plenary Conference entitled "ISDS Reform: Past, Present, and Future", which will take place at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence on April 29th, 2025 in cooperation with the EUI and the University of Oslo. With this Conference, the Academic Forum aims to explore the outcomes and future of reform of #ISDS. Interested academics (including PhD candidates and early career researchers), practitioners, and policymakers are invited to submit their paper abstracts. There is no requirement of membership of the Academic Forum.

Call for Papers for Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainable Development and Policy on the theme: Private International Law and Sustainable Development in Africa

We are particularly interested in innovative academic approaches that address these themes within the African context. We welcome proposals from all approaches, including critical, doctrinal, analytical, conceptual, reflexive, interdisciplinary, post-critical and speculative traditions of law, that enable a serious scholarly reflection on private international law and sustainable development. Contributions will start filling a significant gap in the literature and promote a deeper understanding the relationships, the impact and the potential of private international law in sustainable development in Africa.

Call for Papers: 2025 ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum - Sustainable International Law

The Research Center for International Legal Studies of National Chengchi University and the Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law will hold the 2025 ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum at Howard Civil Service International House in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. The theme of the Research Forum is “Sustainable International Law.” ​​

Call for Panels: Financing for Development Dialogues: from Evidence to Action

As part of the preparatory activities for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), to be held in Sevilla, Spain, from 30 June to 3 July 2025, we invite think tanks, universities, research networks and other relevant academic stakeholders to submit proposals for panels to be presented during an Academic Day on Monday 2 December 2024 at UN Headquarters in New York.