Economic Development
Call for Papers: 2025 Law and Development Conference - “Law and Economic Development” (Honolulu, Hawai‘i, December 5-6, 2025)
The Law and Development Institute and the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, William S. Richardson School of Law will co-host the 2025 Law and Development Conference.
News: 8.9.2024
8 August, 2024
News: 11.3.2024
AfronomicsLaw Indaba Episode 7: The 2022 Zimbabwe Coalition of Debt & Development (ZIMCODD) Case Against The Minister of Finance & Economic Development
Episode Seven: Featuring Chioneso Samantha Kanoyangwa and John P. Maketo discussing the 2022 Zimbabwe Coalition of Debt & Development (ZIMCODD), case against The Minister of Finance & Economic Development and the consent orders obtained in March 2023.
Call for Papers: African Economic Conference 2021 themed "Financing Africa's Post Covid-19 Development"
June 7, 2021
Call for Papers: 2021 African Economic Conference
About 2021 AEC
The 2021 edition of the African Economic Conference is jointly organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The theme of this year's conference is "Financing Africa's Post COVID-19 Development"
Taxing the Digital Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean: What can be done
The aim of this contribution is to suggest some courses of action for Latin America and the Caribbean (hereinafter, LAC) in relation to the taxation of the digital economy. For this purpose, after a brief description of the international background on direct and indirect taxation, I refer to the state of play in the LAC region, making a few preliminary considerations and presenting some generalities on the measures that have been adopted. Finally, I will share some thoughts and recommendations.
Development, Climate and Economic Policy: The Need for Narrative Shift
Development, particularly in developing countries, in the current context requires thinking about how multiple global crises are interlinked, their impact on development prospects, and the narrative framing needed to generate positive and progressive systemic policy change.
Commodity Dependency, GVC development and Industrial Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
The brief discussions in this blog post highlight critical aspects of the contemporary dynamics of commodity dependence that challenge the optimism of the GVCD approach as espoused by multilateral development agencies and the WTO. Moreover, it raises further questions on the political economy of commodity dependency and industrial policy in SSA that deserve attention.
Conference Report: The African Society of International Law 9th Annual Conference on Africa and Covid-19
The African Society of International Law (AfSIL) held its 9th Annual Conference on Africa and COVID-19 virtually, on 30 October 2020. AfSIL aims inter alia to promote international law on the continent and to contribute to the development of an international law that expresses the point of view of African States and specialists. The Conference was sponsored by law firms Foley Hoag LLP, Shikana Law Group and Asafo & Co.