Ecological Practices

Afronomicslaw Sovereign Debt Quarterly Brief, No. 1 of 2025: The Limits of Carbon Markets as a Solution to the Climate Crisis

In this quarterly report, I argue that the climate crisis has provided theglobal finance industry an opportunity to make exorbitant profits frommajority Black and Brown countries in the Global South. I show how theglobal finance industry is leveraging its muscle over climate-vulnerable andheavily indebted countries in the Global South through complex financialtransactions.

Book Review I: Towards Worldview Interactions: A Review of Godwin Eli Kwadzo Dzah, Sustainable Development, International Law and African Legal Cosmologies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024)

Dr. Godwin Dzah’s thought-provoking book investigates the actual and potential contributions of Africa and its peoples, including through their rich worldviews, to the making and doing of international law, treating sustainable development as a microcosm. At its core is a vision to deploy Africa’s Indigenous worldviews to reimagine sustainable development, advance thinking on how it should be applied in international law going forward.