Global South

Editorial: Transforming Climate Finance in an Era of Sovereign Debt Distress

On the sidelines of the Africa Climate Summit this week, the African Sovereign Debt Justice Network will launch its book - Transforming Climate Finance in an Era of Sovereign Distress. This book published by Sheria Publishing House is the result of a two-year long project that brings together the carefully researched insights of a team of talented African researchers. The most significant insight developed in the book is that the emerging dominance of debt driven climate finance solutions is the latest and most significant indicator that the global finance and sovereign debt architecture is irretrievably broken.

Symposium Introduction: The 2023 Climate Change Advisory Opinions & the Global South

The Centre for International Legal Studies of Jindal Global Law School and Kabarak University Press, in association with the African Society for International Law (AfSIL) commenced the two-part panel series around the 2023 climate change advisory opinion requests over a virtual conference held on 13 June 2023. The conversation took place between convenors Professor Rashmi Raman and Humphrey Sipalla, moderator Isabelle Rouche, and an expert panel comprising professor of international law at the University of Geneva, Makane Moïse Mbengue, Kenyan lawyer and professor of public international law at Queen Mary University of London, Phoebe Okowa, former member of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (“ITLOS”) and professor at Jindal Global Law School, Gudmundur Eirikkson, and international human rights law Attorney Ms. Patricia Tarre Moser (hereinafter, the “Panel”).

Call for Papers by the Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law: Energy Justice Framework - Perspectives, Reinterpretation and Implementation in Africa and the Global South

The Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law invites contributions to a special issue on the Energy Justice Framework: Perspectives, Reinterpretation and Implementation in Africa and the Global South. We welcome submissions, particularly from Global South scholars, exploring the concept of energy justice and its framework from multiple situated contexts, together with strategic legal approaches toward its implementation in energy systems.

Webinar: Opportunities and Challenges of Regulating Digital Platforms through Competition Law in the Global South

In the recent past, discussion on the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) has intensified. As the discourse continues, the extent to which competition agencies in the Global South are regulating digital markets has received limited visibility. This is despite competition agencies such as India Competition Commission and the Competition Commission of South Africa having undertaken tremendous steps in the regulation of digital markets.

Symposium Call for Papers (Deadline Extended): You’re Not Alone: Normative Debates on (Digital) Solidarity in International Law and Policy

This Call for Papers, hosted by the and convened by PhD students (Karin Frodé, Christopher Yaw Nyinevi, and Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew) and affiliates of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law at Monash University, Australia, seeks to examine the broader challenges, opportunities, and debates of digital solidarity in international law and policy. We welcome contributions from both established and emerging scholars with an interest in the topic. We highly encourage submissions from Global South scholars and critical voices addressing these topics in ways that raise matters of concern to Global South communities.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward: Progress Towards the EU’s Proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Provisions for Global South Participation in Due Diligence Processes

This brief contribution intends to analyse the three proposals, with a particular focus on how each proposal provides for, or fails to provide for (as the case may be), the participation of global south voices in the due diligence processes. Ultimately, I argue that as the draft makes its way through the legislative process, it appears that the EU seems to have taken one step forward but two steps backward as regards the provisions on the participation of global south rightsholders.

Fifty Second Sovereign Debt News Update: Of Unsustainable Public Debt, Pandemics, and Climate Change: The Global South's Call for an Overhaul of the Unfair and Outdated Global Financial Architecture in Light of the Present-Day Polycrisis

The 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly was convened on September 13, 2022 to September 26, 2022. Even as the globe faces a polycrisis driven by the global slowdown, the war in Ukraine, shortages of energy, fertilizer and food, rising interest rates and debt levels, and climate change, the Global South’s leaders joined leaders from around the world to discuss these pressing development issues and work with the relevant global partners to find solutions to these challenges.

Call for Application: Executive Director, Fair Trade Advocacy Office

The Fair Trade Advocacy Office speaks out on behalf of the Fair Trade Movement for Fair Trade and Trade Justice, aiming to improve the livelihoods of marginalised producers and workers in the global South. It plays a key role in spearheading the global Fair Trade movement’s political and advocacy agenda. It catalyses collaboration within the international Fair Trade movement on policy, advocacy and campaigning activity; facilitates knowledge co-creation and sharing on Fair Trade policies and practices; and leads advocacy work on European Union legislation, policies and their implementation.

The Global South and Systemic Imbalances in International Energy Law

In the globalised world that we inhabit, replete with its complex private transnational institutions and multinational corporations, energy law is often far from “national”. That is to say, hard legal problems arising in relation to energy issues within a particular country will often have a remarkably international character that can substantially transcend the immediate jurisdictional confines of the country in question.