NEWS: 6.12.2021
Call for Papers: African Economic Conference 2021 themed "Financing Africa's Post Covid-19 Development"
June 7, 2021
Call for Papers: 2021 African Economic Conference
About 2021 AEC
The 2021 edition of the African Economic Conference is jointly organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The theme of this year's conference is "Financing Africa's Post COVID-19 Development"
NEWS: 6.3.2021
The Central Bank’s Financial Stability Mandate: Sizing up Twin Peaks in South Africa
Eighteenth Sovereign Debt News Update: African Internal and External Sovereign Debt Policies
The Bare Bones of the Bank of Namibia Act of 2020
News: 5.27.2021
Call for Application: Paid Short-term Consultancy: Investment Governance and Sustainable Development
May 19, 2021
Paid Short-term Consultancy: Investment Governance and Sustainable Development at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
Key information:
ASIL- Africa Interest Group Africa Day Event: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development: Intensifying the Fight Against the Covid-19 Pandemic
May 19, 2021
American Society of International Law - Africa Interest Group Africa Day Event
Featuring a special conversation with Funke Adekoya, Partner and Head of Disputes Resolution Practice Group AELEX, the Africa Interest Group presents a conversation on creating conducive conditions for Africa's development and intensifying the fights against Covid-19 pandemic.