Carbon Markets

Afronomicslaw Sovereign Debt Quarterly Brief, No. 1 of 2025: The Limits of Carbon Markets as a Solution to the Climate Crisis

In this quarterly report, I argue that the climate crisis has provided theglobal finance industry an opportunity to make exorbitant profits frommajority Black and Brown countries in the Global South. I show how theglobal finance industry is leveraging its muscle over climate-vulnerable andheavily indebted countries in the Global South through complex financialtransactions.

Invitation - Afronomicslaw Quarterly Report Launch: The Limits of Carbon Markets as a Solution to the Climate Crisis

Join us for the launch of Afronomicslaw’s latest quarterly report, "The Limits of Carbon Markets as a Solution to the Climate Crisis" by James Thuo Gathii. This report critically examines the role of global finance in commodifying biodiversity assets and its implications for climate justice and sovereign debt in the Global South. The session will include an author presentation and a Q&A session.