Stand-Alone Posts


Inaugural Afronomicslaw Academic Forum Conference: Critical and Contextual Perspectives to International Economic Law: Amplifying the Voices of African Students and Early-career Researchers

This is the video recording of the inaugural Afronomicslaw Academic Forum Conference. The Online Conference held on the 5th of February 2022. This inaugural conference was co-sponsored by the African Sovereign Debt Justice Network (AfSDJN) and the African International Economic Law Network (AfIELN). The conference's theme is: 'Critical and Contextual Perspectives to International Economic Law: Amplifying the Voices of African Students and Early-career Researchers'.

NEWS: 23.03.2023

The News and Events category publishes the latest News and Events relating to International Economic Law relating to Africa and the Global South. Every week, receive the News and Events in their e-mail accounts. The News and Events published every week include conferences, major developments in the field of International Economic Law in Africa at the national, sub-regional and regional levels as well as relevant case law. News and Events with a Global South focus are also often included.

Scholarships for Postgraduate African Students to participate in Joint University Study Tour in Geneva in June 2023

The UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) is sponsoring 6 scholarships for African mature undergraduate and post-graduate students/researchers interested in trade and investment to participate in our inaugural Joint University Study Tour (JUST) Summer Programme from June 5-9 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Call for Applications: South African Research Chair in International Constitutional Law Doctoral Candidates

The South African Research Chair in International Constitutional Law, based at Future Africa, University of Pretoria (UP), invites applications for five (5) full-time Research Doctoral candidates commencing in 2024.

NEWS: 17.03.2023

The News and Events category publishes the latest News and Events relating to International Economic Law relating to Africa and the Global South. Every week, receive the News and Events in their e-mail accounts. The News and Events published every week include conferences, major developments in the field of International Economic Law in Africa at the national, sub-regional and regional levels as well as relevant case law. News and Events with a Global South focus are also often included.

Seventy First Sovereign Debt News Update: Ethiopia Turns Directly to China and France in Quest for Debt Relief

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network, (AfSDJN), is a coalition of citizens, scholars, civil society actors and church groups committed to exposing the adverse impact of unsustainable levels of African sovereign debt on the lives of ordinary citizens. Convened by with the support of Open Society for Southern Africa, (OSISA), the AfSDJN's activities are tailored around addressing the threats that sovereign debt poses for economic development, social cohesion and human rights in Africa. It advocates for debt cancellation, rescheduling and restructuring as well as increasing the accountability and responsibility of lenders and African governments about how sovereign debt is procured, spent and repaid. Focusing in particular on Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Nigeria and Senegal, the AfSDJN will also amplify African voices and decolonize narratives on African sovereign debt . Its activities include producing research outputs to enhance the network’s advocacy interventions. It also seeks to create awareness on and elevate the priority given to sovereign debt and other economic justice issues on the African continent and beyond throughout 2021.

Invitation: Career Webinar by the African International Economic Law Network for Early Career Scholars

The African International Economic Law Network (AfIELN) will hold its 6th Biennial Conference, which will be hosted by the Faculty of Law of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). This will take place in Accra, Ghana from 21 to 24 June 2023. As a build-up to that event, the AfIELN is pleased to invite all African early career scholars to a career webinar.

Seventieth Sovereign Debt News Update: The IMF Executive Board approves SDR 180.5 million to Uganda: Implications for Debt Sustainability

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network, (AfSDJN), is a coalition of citizens, scholars, civil society actors and church groups committed to exposing the adverse impact of unsustainable levels of African sovereign debt on the lives of ordinary citizens. Convened by with the support of Open Society for Southern Africa, (OSISA), the AfSDJN's activities are tailored around addressing the threats that sovereign debt poses for economic development, social cohesion and human rights in Africa. It advocates for debt cancellation, rescheduling and restructuring as well as increasing the accountability and responsibility of lenders and African governments about how sovereign debt is procured, spent and repaid. Focusing in particular on Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Nigeria and Senegal, the AfSDJN will also amplify African voices and decolonize narratives on African sovereign debt . Its activities include producing research outputs to enhance the network’s advocacy interventions. It also seeks to create awareness on and elevate the priority given to sovereign debt and other economic justice issues on the African continent and beyond throughout 2021.

Sixty Ninth Sovereign Debt News Update: The World Bank approves $246 million to strengthen Coastal Resilience in West Africa – The Double Tragedy of Climate Vulnerability and Climate Finance Debt in Africa

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network, (AfSDJN), is a coalition of citizens, scholars, civil society actors and church groups committed to exposing the adverse impact of unsustainable levels of African sovereign debt on the lives of ordinary citizens. Convened by with the support of Open Society for Southern Africa, (OSISA), the AfSDJN's activities are tailored around addressing the threats that sovereign debt poses for economic development, social cohesion and human rights in Africa. It advocates for debt cancellation, rescheduling and restructuring as well as increasing the accountability and responsibility of lenders and African governments about how sovereign debt is procured, spent and repaid. Focusing in particular on Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Nigeria and Senegal, the AfSDJN will also amplify African voices and decolonize narratives on African sovereign debt . Its activities include producing research outputs to enhance the network’s advocacy interventions. It also seeks to create awareness on and elevate the priority given to sovereign debt and other economic justice issues on the African continent and beyond throughout 2021.