
The Repository contains cases, documents, bibliographies and materials on International Economic Law relating to Africa and the Global South with a view to making these materials easily and freely accessible. At the moment, the repository contains cases from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, (COMESA), Court of Justice cases as well as an extensive summary of Africa's regional and sub-regional international economic regimes. invites our readers to contribute towards building this repository by proposing and submitting bibliographies particularly of materials of international economic law and international law that concern and relate to Africa and the Global South. The justifications for this repository include making these materials easily accessible and available especially in resource constrained environments. In addition, the repository is consistent with a major goals of: (i) centering and amplifying the scholarship that is excluded in the canon of international law in the most widely read publications; and (ii), producing content to overcome barriers to access such as cost of printed materials, paywalls and stringent intellectual property rights protections.

Afronomicslaw Sovereign Debt Quarterly Brief, No. 1 of 2025: The Limits of Carbon Markets as a Solution to the Climate Crisis

In this quarterly report, I argue that the climate crisis has provided theglobal finance industry an opportunity to make exorbitant profits frommajority Black and Brown countries in the Global South. I show how theglobal finance industry is leveraging its muscle over climate-vulnerable andheavily indebted countries in the Global South through complex financialtransactions.

In the Matter of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC: Eugenia Wanjiru Gikonyo v The Attorney-General of the Republic of Kenya

The case filed by Afronomicslaw with Wanjiru Gikonyo as Applicant is brought under Article 30 of the EAC Treaty. Article 30 of the EAC Treaty allows individuals and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) who are residents of the community to bring cases against partner states of the EAC where these partner states violate the law.

Judgment of Mr. Justice Robin Knowles CBE in The Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments Limited [2023] EWHC 2638

This case has also, sadly, brought together a combination of examples of what some individuals will do for money. Driven by greed and prepared to use corruption; giving no thought to what their enrichment would mean in terms of harm for others. Others that in the present case include the people of Nigeria, already let down in so many ways over the history of this matter by a number of individuals in politics and administration whose duty it was to serve them and protect them.

NEW OPEN ACCESS BOOK: Sixty years after independence, Africa and international law: Views from a generation / Soixante ans apres les independances, l’Afrique et le droit international: Regards d’une generation, Apollin Koagne Zouapet (Ed), PULP 2023

This book emerged from the observation that in international law scholarship, few studies have been done on Africa as both object and subject of international law despite the involvement of African states and Africans in the international arena and their active participation in many debates. To fill this gap by examining, sixty years after the independence of African states, the place of Africa in international law and the way international law looks at Africa is the challenge that the contributors to this book, all internationalists of the 1980-1990 generation, have taken up. The book highlights the specificity of a particular African law and examines the African experience in this fi eld from an international law perspective.

New Book: Transforming Climate Finance in an Era of Sovereign Debt Distress, James T. Gathii, Adebayo Majekolagbe, and Nona Tamale, Eds. (Free Access)

This book brings together a team of talented young researchers convened by the African Sovereign Debt Justice Network (AfSDJN). Over a two year period they researched and carefully considered how best to transform climate finance in an era of sovereign debt distress. One of the major insights of the book is that unless climate finance is fundamentally transformed, its growing number of instruments and initiatives will entrench the sovereign debt crisis while failing to resolve the ecological crisis that many countries are already experiencing.

The African Continental Free Trade Area Rules of Origin Manual (July 2022)

According to Article 42.2 of the Annex 2 on Rules of Origin, Manual shall, upon his adoption by the Assembly, form an integral part of Annex 2. It will therefore have to be used in conjunction with AfCFTA legal instruments.

Research Questionnaire - Registry and Legal Division of the African Court

We are academic researchers from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, interested in the workings of international courts in Africa and comparative studies. We have been invited by the American Journal of International Law to participate in a symposium issue that focuses on the role of the secretariats and registries of various courts (regions) to the effectiveness of the regimes. For us, our task is the extremely important registry of the African court. We are therefore kindly seeking your kind assistance with respect to the completion of a sample questionnaire There are sixteen (16) questions in this survey. You are expected to answer ALL the questions, which will take approximately 10 to 20 minutes.

Open Access Book Publication: Taking a Common Concern Approach to Economic Inequality Implications for (Cooperative) Sovereignty over Corporate Taxation by Alexander D. Beyleveld

Are countries capable of reducing economic inequality under conditions of contemporary globalisation without cooperating and coordinating with other countries? While states are far from powerless to effect distributional change within their own sovereign space, Taking a Common Concern Approach to Economic Inequality makes the case that cooperation and coordination is indeed necessary, especially in relation to corporate taxation.

Black Traditions in International Law

Black traditions in international law express and foreground the goals, histories and thoughts of black struggle. Black traditions have long offered visions of global order that challenge the color blindness embedded in accounts of international law. Black traditions counter visions of international law that order the world in accordance with predominantly European and white conceptions of hierarchy and order.