Academic Forum

Call for applications for the Afronomicslaw Academic Forum (Eastern Africa)

The Eastern African Regional Board, which is the leadership of the Forum in Eastern Africa, is looking for students, early-career researchers, and early-career practitioners from the whole Eastern African region who are passionate about international economic law to join the Forum as part of its second cohort.

Call for applications for the Afronomicslaw Academic Forum (Southern Africa)

The Afronomicslaw Academic Forum is a network of students, early-career researchers, and early-career practitioners interested in international economic law as it relates to Africa and the Global South. The Forum is led by its own members, who coordinate a wide range of programming to support the professional development and intellectual growth of members over the course of one year.

Afronomicslaw Academic Forum launches in West Africa

January 22, 2022

Following the establishment of the Afronomicslaw Academic Forum in Eastern and Southern Africa, we are delighted to announce the launch of the Academic Forum in West Africa. The Forum welcomes twenty-seven pioneer Representatives from Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Togo and Morocco.

The Forum will be led by the trio of:

Call for Regional Representatives for the Afronomicslaw Academic Forum (Eastern Africa) November 2021

The Afronomicslaw Academic Forum is an inclusive space that brings together undergraduate and graduate students and early career researchers who are interested in international economic law (IEL) matters as they relate to Africa and the Global South. The Academic Forum is part of Afronomicslaw, an academic and political project that ‘focuses on IEL themes as they relate to Africa and the Global South. A major goal of Afronomicslaw is to amplify the voices and issues that are not often part of the conversation in the scholarship and practice of IEL. Academic Forum Guest Lecture Series: Africa as a "Theatre" of International Law and Development: Knowledge, Practice and Resistance

August 5, 2021

The Academic Forum invites you to join their next guest lecture series. 


Africa as a “Theatre” of International Law and Development: Knowledge, Practice and Resistance

Date: Aug 7, 2021

Time: 17:00 CAT/ 18:00 EAT Academic Forum Introductory Video

The Academic Forum Video features short introductions in response to five questions. -What is the Academic Forum? -Why is the Academic Forum Needed? -What does the Academic Forum Offer? -What is our mentorship program? -Where does one begin? The video features responses by: -Dr. Ohio Omiunu, Editor - Academic Forum -Arnold Nciko, Lead Regional Representative, East Africa -Kayode Olude, Lead Regional Representative, West Africa -Nikola Sekoe, Lead Regional Representative, Southern Africa -Anne Mburu, East African Partnerships Lead -Mainga Simoonga, Southern Africa Partnerships Lead. Academic Forum Guest Lecture Series: An Introduction to Chinese Law and African Interests

July 14, 2021

The Academic Forum invites you to join their guest lecture series.

Title: An Introduction to Chinese Law and African Interests

Date: Saturday July 17, 2021

Time: 16:00 CAT, 17:00 EAT.

Zoom Registration here.

Guest Speaker: