Call for Papers

Call for Papers by the Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law: Energy Justice Framework - Perspectives, Reinterpretation and Implementation in Africa and the Global South

The Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law invites contributions to a special issue on the Energy Justice Framework: Perspectives, Reinterpretation and Implementation in Africa and the Global South. We welcome submissions, particularly from Global South scholars, exploring the concept of energy justice and its framework from multiple situated contexts, together with strategic legal approaches toward its implementation in energy systems.

Symposium Call for Papers (Deadline Extended): You’re Not Alone: Normative Debates on (Digital) Solidarity in International Law and Policy

This Call for Papers, hosted by the and convened by PhD students (Karin Frodé, Christopher Yaw Nyinevi, and Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew) and affiliates of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law at Monash University, Australia, seeks to examine the broader challenges, opportunities, and debates of digital solidarity in international law and policy. We welcome contributions from both established and emerging scholars with an interest in the topic. We highly encourage submissions from Global South scholars and critical voices addressing these topics in ways that raise matters of concern to Global South communities.

Call for Papers: Perspectives for Post-COVID 19 Recovery and Sustainable Development: A Law and Development Discourse

This workshop will consider the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic globally and the strategies for recovery. The workshop will consider what role law and legal frameworks can play toward global recovery, especially in law and economic development, law and technology, law and the environment, intellectual property Law, and human rights law.

Call for Papers by WTO Chairs in Africa - AfCFTA: Challenges and Opportunities

The organising committee invites the submission of abstracts (max. 300 words) or full papers (max.5000 words) from researchers and practitioners in the fields of international trade, development, finance and investment. All abstracts should be formatted to facilitate the review process.

AJIL Call for Papers: Agora Symposium on “The War in Ukraine and the Future of the International Legal Order”

The American Journal of International Law (AJIL) is soliciting papers for an Agora symposium to be published in the October 2022 issue of the Journal. The title of symposium is “The War in Ukraine and the Future of the International Legal Order.”

Call for Papers: 1st African Environmental Law Conference: Environmental Justice Systems in Africa: Exploring Cultural and Economic Factors

The Environmental Law Center (ELC), at the Faculty of Law, University of Cologne invites you to the 1st African Environmental Law Conference with the theme "Environmental Justice Systems in Africa: Exploring Cultural and Economic Factors".