Stand-Alone Posts


Niños Neoliberales: Un Diálogo Silencioso Con Ian Taylor

Neo colonialism as described by Ian Taylor is as valid then as it is now, but there are alternatives beyond the modern paradigm and we have to run the risk of decolonizing the academy, people are changing and fighting from other ways of life, but our academies? can you hear them? Indigenous peoples, community organizations, peasants and nature are speaking to us. The question is what language and what knowledge we will use to listen and speak them.

Webinar Series VII: Towards Justice in the International Economic Order: Proposals from the South

This webinar is a collaboration between Afronomicslaw and the South Centre, Geneva, to mark the 25th anniversary of the South Centre. Both the South Centre and Afronomicslaw share a commitment to discuss the protection and promotion of the development interests of countries of the Global South.

Analysis of Ham Enterprises Limited & 2 Others v Diamond Trust Bank (U) Limited & Another

In summary, it is vital to place this case in the broader context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Regional financial integration of the sort discussed above, (such as an integrated banking market or a banking union), would significantly benefit the AfCFTA in the light of the bigger regional markets in trade that is now in operation.

Arbitration Award May Now Be ‘Final’: Changes In The Ethiopian Draft Arbitration Law

The traditional way of inserting finality clauses, which is usually crafted as “the decision of the Tribunal is final and binding” may not be useful to waive right to submit to the Bench for review. To sum up, according to the draft proclamation, arbitral awards are final but subject to review by the Bench unless expressly agreed to waive their right for review.

Lessons from Nigeria and Process & Industrial Developments Limited (P&ID)

In this piece, we follow up on Uzodinma’s arguments, especially as it relates to the broader significance of the prima facie case put forward by Nigeria that ‘the GSPA, the arbitration clause in the GSPA and the awards were procured as the result of a massive fraud perpetrated by P&ID.’ Nigeria further argued that ‘to deny them the opportunity to challenge the Final Award would involve the English court being used as an unwitting vehicle of the fraud.’ is seeking an Editorial Assistant, the leading blog on international economic law focused on Africa and the Global South, is looking to hire an Editorial Assistant to provide support to Editors on a regular basis in connection with the blog, the African Sovereign Debt Justice Network Project, (AfSDJN); and other associated projects of the organization.