Webinar: Climate, SDGs, Debt and the International Responsibility of the IFIs: Does the ARIO need to be updated?


12 September, 2024 

Climate, SDGs, Debt and the International Responsibility of the IFIs: Does the ARIO need to be updated? Thursday, September 19, 2024 9:00 – 10:30 AM ET Via Zoom 

Join us for a roundtable discussion on the unique status of international financial institutions (IFIs) in international law. This conversation will focus on whether, in international legal terms, international financial institutions (IFIs) should be treated like any other international organization or if their specialized mission necessitates granting them a special status. It will assess the validity of the IFIs concerns that the Articles on Responsibility of International Organisations (ARIO) are not easily applied to their operations and what changes may be needed to address these concerns. In addition, the event will explore the implications of the IFIs growing engagement with issues like the climate crisis and other environmental issues, inequality, and pandemics for their relations with their member states in terms of sovereignty and their international responsibilities. 

At this event, we will also discuss the launch of a new interest group on International Law of Development. The proposed group will have two main functions. First, it will provide a forum for ASIL members to discuss international laws and policies affecting IFIs, addressing global issues noted above, and a range of others, like their international responsibilities and roles in tackling global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. Second, it will offer a learning platform for aspiring development lawyers. Members can learn from experienced IFI and development lawyers about large-scale international transactions, the legal structures of IFIs, and the complex legal issues that can arise in their operations. This will include insights into working as a lawyer within these organizations. 


  •  Sheila Braka Musiimi, Deputy General Counsel. World Bank 

  • Kristina Daugridas, Francis A. Allen Collegiate Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School 

  • Charles Di Leva, Former Chief Officer, Environmental and Social Standards and Chief Counsel, Environmental and International Law, World Bank 

  • Daniel Bradlow, Professor/Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Advancement of Scholarship, University of Pretoria and Compliance Officer, SECU, UNDP 

Registration for this online webinar is free and open to the public. Register at www.asil.org/events.