Purdy Crawford Workshop on International Business Law: Rethinking the Dimensions of International Economic Law

Purdy Workshop Flyer

8 September, 2023

Purdy Crawford Workshop on International Business Law: 

Rethinking the Dimensions of International Economic Law

Venue: Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University

In-person Only

Dates: September 13th and 14th

Conference Program.

Join Schulich Law Associate Professor Olabisi D. Akinkugbe, Purdy Crawford Chair in Business Law, along with nearly 50 other leading scholars, graduate students, and legal practitioners for the Purdy Crawford Workshop on International Business Law: Rethinking the Dimensions of International Economic Law. 

The workshop will feature roundtables and panel discussions on cutting-edge issues in the field of international business law, including international trade, investment, climate finance, and intellectual property, among others.