Call for Panels: Financing for Development Dialogues: from Evidence to Action


October 14, 2024


As part of the preparatory activities for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), to be held in Sevilla, Spain, from 30 June to 3 July 2025, we invite think tanks, universities, research networks and other relevant academic stakeholders to submit proposals for panels to be presented during an Academic Day on Monday 2 December 2024 at UN Headquarters in New York. 

The event will take place immediately before the second session of the preparatory committee for FfD4, and will bring together academic researchers, think tanks, and delegates to discuss evidence-based solutions and innovative ideas on financing for development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The academic day will include high-level discussions between researchers and policy makers alongside more technical sessions focusing on specific financing policy issues. The event will also serve as a platform to present initial findings from the report of the International Commission of Experts on Financing for Development. 


The Academic Day is designed to achieve the following: 

1. Leverage Academic Expertise to support Member State negotiations for FfD: Ensure that negotiations for FfD4 draw on the latest analysis and a wide range of perspectives from the academic and research communities. 

2. Enhance Awareness and Engagement: Increase the participation of the academic community in the FfD process, including think tanks and research institutions from both developed and developing countries. 

3. Identify Research Priorities: Highlight areas where further research is needed to support improved national and global policymaking and reforms. 

Call for Panels 

We invite partner organizations, think tanks, academic institutions, and research networks to submit proposals for panels that align with thematic areas related to the Financing for Development agenda. 

Panel Proposal Requirements

Organizer: Name and contact information of the panel organizer who will be responsible for coordinating the session. 

Focal Point: Name, title and contact information. 

Panel Title: A concise and descriptive title. 

Panel Description: A brief overview (200-500 words) of the panel's thematic focus, its relevance to the FfD agenda, and the innovative or critical issues it will address. 

Panel Format: Description of the methodology to be used in the panel, including the structure (e.g., roundtable discussion, presentation format). 

Speakers: List of speakers and moderators, including their names, affiliations, and a brief description of their expertise and the topics they will cover. 

Submission Guidelines 

Submission Deadline: 14 October 2024 

Submission Platform: Proposals must be submitted through this link 

Selection Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on their thematic alignment, the diversity of perspectives, the relevance of the topics, and the potential to contribute to the overall objectives of the FfD4 process. 

Notification: Selected panels will be notified by 18 October 2024 

Special Considerations 

• A special effort will be made to include panels and speakers from the Global South. 

• Travel support may be available for selected scholars from the Global South to ensure broad and diverse participation. 

• Requests for travel support for participants from the Global South should be explicitly included in the proposal. 

Contact Information For any questions or further information, please contact