March 10, 2021
To mark the 2021 International Women’s Day themed #Choose to Challenge, Afronomicslaw.org celebrates Dr Jan Yves Remy’s brilliant contributions to International Trade Law. Dr Remy is the Deputy Director of the Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services (the SRC). She has advised governments and private stakeholders on international trade matters with a focus on dispute settlement under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
“#Choose to Challenge: A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let's all choose to challenge.”
Afronomicslaw.org (A): Please tell us about your recent research.
Jan Yves Remy (JYR): My last research concerned measuring vulnerability and applying it to the sphere of international trade. Put differently, using vulnerability as a metric for determining whether a country’s claim for special and differential treatment is valid.
A: How did you become interested in academia and international economic law?
JYR: After working for years in private practice, I wanted to consider law as an instrument for change especially in aid of countries that have been marginalized in trade relations.
A: What informs your scholarly interventions?
JYR: The desire to make a difference and make a change in the world as it is
A: Have you faced any challenges in your career because of your gender? If you have, how did you overcome these challenges?
JYR: Yes, there is a lot of mansplaining and taking ownership of ideas/interventions by men who prey on women’s contributions. I learned to be open and honest when this was happening.
A: What lessons have you learned in the course of your career so far?
JYR: That there is opportunity always, just around the corner, and a place for your voice if you are brave enough to say it
A: What advice would you give to younger female academics and students?
JYR: Respect your female academics as you do your male; don’t treat other women as competition
A: Please describe yourself in three words.
JYR: Positive. Excitable. Ambitious
A: What makes you happy.
JYR: Family and close friends.
A: What changes to the world would you like to see?
JYR: More care for each other and carrying each other along.