February 4, 2022
The Afronomicslaw.org Academic Forum invites you to join their next guest lecture series
Topic: Critical and Contextual Perspectives on International Economic Law: Amplifying the Voices of African Students and Early-Career Researchers
Date: 5th February, 2022
Time: 09.00 to 16.00 (Southern African Time); 10.00 to 17.00 (East African Time)
To register for this event on zoom, click here
Keynote Speaker
Babatunde Fagbayibo is currently a Professor of Law at the University of South Africa. His research primarily focuses on continental integration in Africa. Other research interests include critical approaches to international law, transnational policy analysis, new paradigms of inter-state relations, and governance and democratisation in Africa. He has written widely on issued of African integration, democracy and good governance, and development in Africa. He also provides commentary in print and broadcast media on African Affairs. His writings have appeared in academic journals, as chapters in books, and other online platforms. In 2014, he was recognized by the Young People in International Affairs (YPIA) as one of the top 35 Africans under the age of 35, for his research on supranational integration in Africa. He is the editor in chief of the Southern African Public Law Journal and serves on the editorial boards of the African Journal of Democracy and Governance (RADG), the Nigerian Yearbook on International Law (NYIL), and the Caribbean Law Review.
For further enquiries, contact afronomicslawacademicforum@gmail.com.