
Seventy Seventh Sovereign Debt News Update: Kenya unable to pay Civil Servants amidst high level of Debt Servicing

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network, (AfSDJN), is a coalition of citizens, scholars, civil society actors and church groups committed to exposing the adverse impact of unsustainable levels of African sovereign debt on the lives of ordinary citizens. Convened by with the support of Open Society for Southern Africa, (OSISA), the AfSDJN's activities are tailored around addressing the threats that sovereign debt poses for economic development, social cohesion and human rights in Africa. It advocates for debt cancellation, rescheduling and restructuring as well as increasing the accountability and responsibility of lenders and African governments about how sovereign debt is procured, spent and repaid.

Seventy Third Sovereign Debt News Update: Kenya joins calls for the reform of Global Credit Rating architecture amidst adversity

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network, (AfSDJN), is a coalition of citizens, scholars, civil society actors and church groups committed to exposing the adverse impact of unsustainable levels of African sovereign debt on the lives of ordinary citizens. Convened by with the support of Open Society for Southern Africa, (OSISA), the AfSDJN's activities are tailored around addressing the threats that sovereign debt poses for economic development, social cohesion and human rights in Africa. It advocates for debt cancellation, rescheduling and restructuring as well as increasing the accountability and responsibility of lenders and African governments about how sovereign debt is procured, spent and repaid.

NEWS and EVENTS: 07:21:2022

The News and Events category publishes the latest News and Events relating to International Economic Law relating to Africa and the Global South. Every week, receive the News and Events in their e-mail accounts. The News and Events published every week include conferences, major developments in the field of International Economic Law in Africa at the national, sub-regional and regional levels as well as relevant case law. News and Events with a Global South focus are also often included.

Report of the African Peer Review Mechanism Technical Support Mission on International Credit Ratings - Republic of Kenya

The APRM technical support mission team undertook a series of consultations with a variety of stakeholders in the Republic of Kenya from the 25th of November to 3rd of December 2021. The mission team held meetings with representatives from the National Treasury, Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), Capital Markets Authority, Office of the IMF representative in Kenya, Representatives of banking sector, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry amongst other stakeholders.

Kenya's Non-Appearance and Withdrawal: The Melodrama Before the ICJ

I am then wearing my ‘amateur’ hat to metaphorically ask: Is Kenya’s strategy terrible? To critically answer this question, I first consider the effect of the non-appearance of Kenya in the hearing on the merits of the case. Second, I look into the withdrawal of the declaration accepting compulsory jurisdiction the ICJ and what that means for the present case as well as for future disputes. Third, I provide concluding remarks.


Twenty Fifth Sovereign Debt News Update: African Sovereign Debts amidst Thresholds and Policy Standards

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network brings to you an update of African sovereign debt news and updates on events and happenings on and about Africa that reveal how sovereign debt issues are engaged by the various stakeholders.