Stand-Alone Posts


Afronomicslaw Symposium: Nigeria and International Law: Past, Present and the Future - Call for Blogs

We invite scholarly interventions, from established, mid-career, young faculty, doctoral candidates and practitioners to analyse Nigeria’s engagement with the scholarship and praxis of international law.

Afronomicslaw Symposium: Prospects for Deepening Africa-Caribbean Economic Relations - Call for Blogs

Given the limited but promising trade and investment relationship between both regions, there is a dearth of scholarly analysis on the Africa-Caribbean economic relationship. This Symposium aims to address this gap in international economic relations scholarship through considered analytical pieces exploring aspects of this understudied relationship.

Third Sovereign Debt News Update: The IMF's Agreement in Kenya and Ethiopia in Context

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network brings to you an update of African sovereign debt news and updates on events and happenings on and about Africa that reveal how sovereign debt issues are engaged by the various stakeholders.

Bilateralizing the EU-EAC EPA: An Introductory Legal Analysis of the Kenya-UK Economic Partnership Agreement

The Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kenya and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Kenya-UK EPA) was signed by both parties on 8th December 2020. Unlike the proposed US-Kenya FTA (whose fate is uncertain under the new Biden administration), this agreement is at an advanced stage and there are many indications that it will enter into force as it has been approved by the Kenyan executive and only awaits parliamentary approval and ratification.

Afronomicslaw Call for Blogs: African-Asian Relations: Fostering Trade and Investment in Times of Crisis

A core legacy of the New International Economic Order of the 1970s is the rise of the South-South economic cooperation. Since 1980, trade and investment relations between African and Asian states have been growing ever closer. Indeed, the unique ways in which African-Asian economic cooperation manifests has been a defining feature of Africa’s international economic relations since the end of decolonization.

Call for Contributions by Gender and Development: Feminist Protests and Politics in a World in Crisis

The November 2021 issue of Gender & Development (G&D) will focus on Feminist Protests and Politics in a World in Crisis. G&D is a unique journal, offering a forum for the sharing of analysis and experience between feminist activists across research, policy and practice.

Transformations of Human-Environment Interactions to Sustainable Development (TRANSFORM): Call for PhD Applications

Our cohorts will be trained in transdisciplinary methods, enabling them to draw on skills from multiples disciplines and work effectively and equitably with non-academic partners to deliver impactful sustainable development research.

The EU’s Vaccine Export Controls Negate its Self-interest, International Solidarity and International Law

Although the Regulations commendably exempt ninety-two countries, their restrictions still apply to many upper-middle income countries, such as South Africa, which is not only relatively poor but is battling with one of the most contagious variants of the virus. The Regulations also do not exempt a country like Canada, which despite its relatively ample resources, does not yet manufacture its own vaccines and is home to particularly vulnerable indigenous peoples, especially in its Northern and polar regions.