
The Repository contains cases, documents, bibliographies and materials on International Economic Law relating to Africa and the Global South with a view to making these materials easily and freely accessible. At the moment, the repository contains cases from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, (COMESA), Court of Justice cases as well as an extensive summary of Africa's regional and sub-regional international economic regimes. invites our readers to contribute towards building this repository by proposing and submitting bibliographies particularly of materials of international economic law and international law that concern and relate to Africa and the Global South. The justifications for this repository include making these materials easily accessible and available especially in resource constrained environments. In addition, the repository is consistent with a major goals of: (i) centering and amplifying the scholarship that is excluded in the canon of international law in the most widely read publications; and (ii), producing content to overcome barriers to access such as cost of printed materials, paywalls and stringent intellectual property rights protections.

Africa's Regional and Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation Frameworks: A Summary has put together this summary of Africa's regional and sub-regional economic cooperation efforts.This is an ongoing effort and we welcome our readers and contributors to make suggestions to make it more comprehensive and useful for anyone seeking to understand Africa's vast and complex regional and sub-regional cooperation frameworks.