September 15,
The Afronomicslaw.org Academic Forum invites you to join their next guest lecture series.
Topic: Local Communities and Natural Resource Extraction: Interactions with States, Investors, and International Financial Institutions
Date: Saturday, September 18, 2021
Time: 16:00CAT/17:00 EAT
To register for this event on zoom, click here
Guest Speaker
Dr Ibironke Odumosu-Ayanu is an Associate Professor at the College of law, University of Saskatchewan. Prior to joining the University of Saskatchewan, she was a Sessional Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia. Dr Odumosu-Ayanu is a member of the Editorial Committee of the African Yearbook of International Law. She is a member of the editorial boards of several journals including the Business and Human Rights Journal and the Journal of African Law. She is Vice-Chair of the Midwest Interest Group of the American Society of International Law. Dr. Odumosu-Ayanu has received competitive research grants including grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada) to support her research. Her research has been published in several leading journals and books. She is co-editor of Indigenous-Industry Agreements, Natural Resources and the Law published by Routledge in 2021.
James Ombaki Kirwa is a Programme Officer in charge of Research at Strathmore Extractives Industry Centre (and the Extractives Baraza), a semi-autonomous centre based at Strathmore Law School involved in evidence-based and impact-driven research, capacity building and stakeholder engagement in the extractives industry in kenya and the larger African region. He is an accomplished and passionate researcher and legal professional, with extensive experience in diverse areas of law, including natural resources (oil, gas and mining), environment and land law, law and gender, indigenous law, and Alternative Dispute Resolution, among others. He is currently a member of the coordinating team of the Africa Extractives Industry Knowledge Hub (Anglophone) under the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI).
For further inquiries, contact afronomicslawacademicforum@gmail.com