Call for Chapters on Impact of Sanctions in Africa


May 20, 2019

Prof. Joy Gordon, the Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. Professor of Social Ethics and the School of Law at Loyola University Chicago is seeking authors working on effects of sanction in Africa. The chapters she is seeking will be published in an edited collection on the humanitarian impact and negative consequences of economic sanctions.  The book will be published by a leading academic publisher.

Given that there are numerous sanctions regimes imposed on African countries, she would like to include some chapters by researchers doing work on the humanitarian and economic harm that has resulted.  This could include loss of foreign investment, difficulties with shipping or access to the international banking system, the ability to import fuel, access to technology, and access to goods needed for the infrastructure; as well as increased poverty and inequality, and increased state repression.  She would also be interested in work on how criminal commercial networks are developed to circumvent sanctions, which may then be used for weapons and human trafficking.  She would be grateful to hear from anyone doing work on these topics at: